It doesn’t need to be an enormous bag filled with stuff but it’s
helpful to be a a little prepared when you want to prod yourself to be spontaneous. Sometimes the thought of pulling things
together is enough to talk you out of going. Having a simple bag with some
things set to go will help prevent you from using the "I don't have the time to get everything together" excuse. I keep a picnic bag in the trunk of my car
along with my camera and GPS unit charged and ready to go anytime.
Be prepared to stay over night, just in case. It adds a thrilling element to the trip, whether you can stay overnight or not. It
keeps the excitement open. The idea is
to have simple basic layers available and to be ready for just about any experience you may
come across. Sure the items will vary depending on your
interests, I happen to have a small cheese board and knife, wine glasses and a
wine opener because I like being in the middle of nowhere and having the
ability to indulge in a glass of wine while watching the sunset.
Here are some suggestions on things to have ready to go:
GPS Unit
First Aid Kit
Picnic Bag
Napkins/hand wipes/hand sanitizer
Bug spray
Cheese board
Wine/Bottle Opener
Granola Bars/Crackers/Nuts
Add fresh fruit and perishable foods the day of your trip
and bring in a small cooler with ice
Bathing Suit
Hiking shoes
Dress shoes (in case you go out to dinner)
Random Entertainment
Random Entertainment
Deck of cards
Deck of cards
A couple of things to note, I keep a cheese board, wine
glasses and wine opener just in case we come across an awesome sunset
somewhere. Of course never drink and
drive and don’t drink in your car. I use
this for places we’ve hiked to or will be staying at. The clothes I suggest are for a mild California climate,
obviously take into account where you live and what type of weather/terrain you
have. I can’t vouch for or have no
knowledge of what kind of gear to have in sub zero temperatures.
The list of what to include can go on and on. What are some things you like to carry in
your car for your adventures?